Icumsa 45 Sugar

icumsa 45 is a highly refined sugar, and it is easily recognizable by its distinctive sparkling white color and pure sucrose taste. it is suitable for human consumption and use in a wide range of food applications. it is perpetually in high demand as it is the safest form of sugar, due to the fact that the refining process by which it is created removes the bacteria and contaminants often present in raw sugars. icumsa 45 is the world’s leading consumer sugar.

white sugar, refined white sugar, crystal white sugar
1. high quality with best price
2. factory supply
3. prompt shipment
white sugar, refined white crystal sugar with best price
product name: white sugar
purity: 99.80%min
type: refined white crystal sugar
shelf life: 2 years
white sugar icumsa 45

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– polarization : 99.80 degrees min
– ash content : 0.08 max.
– icumsa :45 rbu max. ( s.g.s.scale ).
– solubility : 100% dry and free flowing
– colour : sparkling white.maximum 45 icumsa attenuation index units (icumsa method no:4-1978).
– radiation : within internationally accepted limits
– granulation : fine crystal
– moisture : 0.8% max.
– magnetic particles : 4 mg/k
– so2 : 70 mg/k
– ash by electrical conductivity : 0.04% max.(on dry weight basis)
– sulphur dioxide : 20 mg/kg min.
– sediments : none.
– free of any smell.
– reducing sugar : 0.05% max by weight.
– hpn staph aureus : nil.
– max as : 1 p.p.m .


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