


Typical Chemical and Physical Analysis

Moisture 3.0 % max AS2300.1.1 1988
Fat 28.0% min AS2300.1.3 1988
Acidity 0.14 % max ADPI916 1990
Ash 5.0 – 6.0% AS2300.1.5 1988
Lactose 39.0% type Caculated
Lechithin 00:20% type NIRO 22a
Insolubility Index 0.5 ml max AS2300.4.4 1994
Scorched particles Disc A/ 32.5gm max AS2300.4.5 1994
Bulk Density 0.44 – 0.50 g/ml AS2300.4.3 1994
Flavour & Odour Good AS2300.4.2 1994
Appearance & colour Normal AS2300.4.2 1994
Wettability 10 sec max IDF 87 1979
Dispersibility (20 secs) 80% min IDF 87 1979
Vitamin A 2350-3650 IU NZ MAF (WOOLARD)
Vitamin D 300 IU min AOAC 981.17 1990
Phosphatase <2 ug p’n-phen/ml AS2300.1.10 1988
Inhibitory substances <0.003 ug / ml AS1766.3.11 1991
Typical Microbiological Analysis
Standard Plate Count 10,000 / g max AS1766.2.1 1991
Coliforms Not detected / g AS1766.2.3 1992
Yeasts & Moulds 10 / g max AS1766.2.2 1994
Coagulase positive Staph Not detected / g PSL 2.1
Salmonella Not detected / 1500g PAGE 1
Nutrition Information
Energy 303 kj/100ml
Sodium 47 mg/100ml
Calcium 117 mg/100m


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